Love, Joy, Peace...

JD Wood No One Goes Hungry

From Jessie Sheehan Food Program Director: "With our monthly food giveaway we are reaching over 225 families and individuals each month. Together we coordinate an effort to help people with food insecurities get nutritious food. We connect with recovery homes, civic organizations and other churches to accomplish this amazing feat. I am so proud of our team of volunteers who have a heart to help.

And we need to do more. According to Second Harvest Food bank, we (along with the other Second Harvest Partners in Franklin County) are only reaching 25% of the people who need us in Franklin County. Our food ministry is different from others because we will deliver to people who are homebound or are without transportation. But we need to do more. The people that really need us do not know we are here. Often they are isolated or feel forgotten. We need to go find them and show the love of Jesus through giving the basic necessity of a food box.

JD Woods taught me how important it was to go to impoverished areas in our community. He told me "they need us, they depend on us" and we need to improve our efforts to reach people. We are going to have our first JD Woods NO One Goes Hungry in Franklin County Movement event this Thursday Jan 27th. Second Harvest is giving us 129 pre-filled boxes to give out that day. Our intention is to go out into the county and find people we have not served and provide them with a box of food. We need your help. The truck will drop off the boxes at 9:45 on the Journey Church Parking Lot. By 10am on the 27th we will be ready to load cars, trucks and trailers. We need people to help load and to do deliveries. Please let me know if you are able to help in any capacity that day.  Call (931) 691-2462"

From Pastor Pope: "We were all shocked when JD went to be with the Lord. I have always understood that there is church here, but there is Church in Heaven also. "Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven". I know JD loved the food program with a fervent passion and I believe the he is the Leader of the Program in heaven. A series of events that prompted Jessie to connect with our new contact at Second Harvest and they together formulated a plan to stop poverty in Franklin County. I believe that there was an unseen partner involved in the process. Our Heavenly Food Program Director, JD Woods! Great Job JD, we will not let you down!!"